
February 1, 2011 § 1 Comment

I have been nagged at recently about my forgetfulness regarding lyrics. Namely – I really ought to put them somewhere. So I’m going to put them here. When I remember. I’m not very keen on the idea of breaking them down – I think the whole point of a song lyric is to be a lean and lateral meditation on a subject, not something that unfolds as a logical argument.

So, the first in a sporadic series – Lullaby

Slipped scales, high to low,
A worn-out glove, an empty cell.
When we think of all we know
It’s strange the force of it’s so still.
And I know
That I don’t know
How you faded,
How I felt you go.
Stuttered out in common time,
It’s strange the force of it’s so still.
Some things we never think to know –
The sad sight of unbalanced scales.
And I know
That I don’t know
How you faded,
How I felt you go.
A worn-out glove, an empty cell
You fade away in common time.
Did we choose with our tongues stilled?
Did I choose to stay behind?
And I know
That I don’t know
How you faded,
How I felt you go.
And I know
That I don’t know
How it goes on
When I felt you go.



Performance recorded in 2010 – a new recording of this song will be included in the forthcoming album Ashes.

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